or should it be rescuer...
we went off to do the weekly groceries this morning, not very exciting and as we walked into the car park a woman says theres a ferret over by the wall....hubs dumps the trolley to me and walks up to it [ talking to it like he does his dogs !] and calmly picks him up. He is really tame and he proudly walked him back to our car offering pats to the kids [who were, lets say, were a bit aprehensive, and their dads!! ]
we had nothing to carry him home in so put him in the car. we didnt even get out of the car park and he shot under my seat between my feet giving me a helluva fright...we stopped and gave him a dog bone to keep him amused...however he stashed that and kept roaming the car....it was the longest 3 minutes home lol....
now hes happily ensconsed next to some lady ferrets after having a huge drink [poor bugger, its hot here and there was no water to be found in the car park] and something to eat.
it reminds of luc at about 10. i got this phone call one day from the rspca to say there were some ferrets that needed rescuing. unbeknown to me she had rung up and put her name down to be a ferret rescuer....4 came home the next weekend....
thats my girl [and hubby] :)
AAAWWWW! How cute!
I had to laugh at your part about your daughter putting her name down as a rescuer without you knowing.
My youngest daughter would have brought very stray animal home if she had her way.
good for you and hubby ..i always pick up stray animals mostly dogs and reunite them with owners .....I once put an injured sheep in my car and took it to the nearest farm !!...x
I don't know much about ferrets, but this one looks very cute. How nice of your DH to rescue it, I'm sure the ferret is very grateful to be with a nice family :)
He's a cutie. It made me remember when my daughter's ferret got loose while they were visiting me. They had no one to care for it at her home and brought her along. My daughter and my granddaugher spent their entire visit looking for her and both were very sad the entire trip. We always hoped someone found her and was taking great care of her. She would have been well off with you! Enjoy your new friends. They love to hide things, especially shiny things and small stuffed animals, hehe.
oh he is pretty....so you have an addition to your family I take it.
I was driving the other day and went through a round about and there in the middle of round about was a KITTEN...now how in the %&$§ did a kitten get out there without getting run over is beyond me.....I kept circling....it just sat there looking around....don´t ask me HOW it ever got out of there,,,as it was rush hour and it kept starring at all the traffic............I could not stop though...after rush hour I went back:) thank god it was not on the road so I assume it made it across. I would have gladly brought him home with me:) much to my DH´s dismay:) Have fun with the new pet.........
I had to come read after that title Jenxo. Made me chuckle. My hubs and an animal whisperer as well, they flock to him. It's the male Kavorka....LOL
Take are friend and hope that ferret doesnt' stink you out.
In my defence it was only two ferrets and I did tell Dad I put name down.
Can't wait to meet the newbie when I get home...
everything about this post makes me smile...ferret whisperer = Love it!
What a cutie...and how lucky he was to be found the 'ferret whisperer'! Hope he is settling in well with his new lady friends! ;)
Jan x
Very sweet little guy, so pleased your hubby rescued him! Ferret whisperer made me smile! Mx
we'd have done the same thig :O) Can't see a defenceless pet wondering the street withough stopping to help.
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