We headed off to a little place near Rushworth called Moora where they were having a Draft Horse show.... it was lovely to catch up with some of the inlaws and step back into the past [well just a little bit :)]

and looking at this beautiful old wagon base , i was visualising an equally beautiful gyspy wagon and escaping ....

oh and the modern day version of a thunderbox ;)

it was a really great day :)
Sounds like a fabulous day Jen... love all the pics... the damper looks delicious... and yes can see you visualizing that gypsy caravan from the wagon base too :)) Glad your Easter was happy...
Jenny x
Those damper scones look yummy...I could do with one now :)
Looks like you had a great weekend.
what a wonderful time you must have had...Love these photos!
the wheat weaving is especially beautiful ... I must go back for another look see
I see the gypsy caravan too...sighhhh
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